LeVar Burton Reads Live! was everything
…that I ever dreamed it could be, and more. Enormous thank you to everyone who came out to LeVar Burton Reads Live! at the Paramount on Sunday – it was beyond inspiring to share the stage as the guest of legendary LeVar Burton, and to meet so many fans of his work. Click for more.
I’ve been getting messages all day from writers and readers and people working on their own heartbreak. I am humbled to hear from you all. Thank you for receiving me so kindly and trusting me with your stories. Austin, you’re beautiful – and (ahem) you don’t have to take MY word for it.
If you’d like to read more of my work, you’re in the right place! Just click on the stories tab in the top nav to browse. For more fantasy-weird, I’d recommend “Continue? Y/N,” about a sentient video game NPC, or “Mermaids at the End of the Universe,” which is exactly what it sounds like. For more on heartbreak or grief, look for “The Third Stage”, or the prequel to “Asymmetry,” which is called “X Approaching One.”
Or look for my weird novel, “Hole in the Middle”, which is available everywhere books are sold (or loaned! – in Reading Rainbow spirit, you can look for or request a copy at your local library).
Please listen for our episode of LeVar Burton Reads in the coming months, and stay in touch! xx, k