At the end of her week with us at the Clarion workshop in 2016, certified genius Kelly Link challenged us to come up with professional goals lists. I call mine the Vanity List. It lives in a folder on my desktop, and I’ve quietly checked things off (publish an audiobook, appear on the legendary BookPeople marquee, appear in the New York Times in a vintage ballgown, etc). This month, I’m over the moon to achieve one more fierce dream: appear as an author at Austin’s magnificent Texas Book Festival. Come hear me and brilliant YA authors Carrie Fountain (I’M NOT MISSING) and Maurene Goo (THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL) discuss Not Your Everyday Teen Problems in the YA HQ tent on Sunday, Oct. 28 at 2 p.m. Come on over. Let’s chat.

As always, Hole in the Middle order info, plus reviews and more, is here. And if you’ve had the chance to read the book, please show it some love on Goodreads! Thanks, lovelies. I appreciate you.